Wednesday, April 7, 2010

April 7, 2010

Almost a year has passed since updating my blog. The events of the times in which we live are motivating me to get back into the writing mode. Pure and simple, our Country is in trouble from the Leftists, Socialists, Progressives, one world government enthusiasts and others who are filled with the spirit of anti Christ. Leading this entourage is our President, Barack Hussein Obama, who, daily it seems, is taking a sledge hammer to the underpinnings of our Constitutional form of government, our national security and our American way of life. Just today Fox News reports that Obama is downplaying the threat of militant Islamic radicalism by rewriting the central document put in place by the Bush administration following 9-11 which document exposed and condemned that threat. How would you feel if you were one of the ones who lost a loved one on that dreadful day or someone who will for the rest of their lives have health problems from the air pollution? Are we naive enough to believe that perhaps at this moment there are more of these militants conspiring against our nation? Is is not possible that our President is himself a closet Muslim?

Monday, May 18, 2009

Letter to Congressman McIntyre

May 18, 2009
Dear Congressman McIntyre,
My wife and I were surprised to hear your name mentioned as being in our service this past Sunday morning at Grace Baptist. We would like to have gotten to say hello and shake your hand. It was a very special service in a number of ways, was it not? Interestingly, I received your email having to do with your vote on the hate crimes bill just the day before. You appear to be a Democrat who looks at the issues and does not go along with the larger block of colleagues if you feel it's not right for our state and country. We applaud you for that. That's probably why Curtis Wright says you will be difficult to unseat in the next election. On a more personal note, we applauded our pastor Sunday for not pulling any punches as to what he believes the Bible says about how to get to heaven. We trust you have personal faith in our Savior and the assurance of salvation.
Blessings, Len and Judy Marcy

Thursday, May 14, 2009

May 13, 2009
Senator Burr: This is an appeal for a negative vote from you on the "Hate Crimes" legislation. I do hope and pray that you are going to vote NO to this bill. To me it is a bill that is not just bad for America but one that is reprehensible in its intent, which is to undermine the moral foundation of our society. The very Word of God, the Holy Scriptures, could be considered hate literature under this proposed bill because the Bible takes a stand against homosexuality and other expressions of deviant moral behavior. Again, I beg of you, PLEASE VOTE NO when asked for your vote. Thank You,
Len Marcy
Wilmington, NC

Monday, May 4, 2009


As a retiree and registered Republican voter in the State of N.C., I wish to express my dismay and disgust at the plan the President is considering which will suspend the annual cost of living increase for retirees receiving Social Security benefits. This plan is tantamount to a slap in the face and I hope that you plan to do all in your power to stop this abuse of power. Any government that can rebuild cities and countries in far away places, bail out and subsidize companies and financial institutions with billions of dollars, and give out millions in pork barrel spending, cannot be thinking straight in depriving elderly U.S. citizens of the income they need to exist. Thank you for whatever you can do.
Len Marcy

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Talk about hitting the nail on the head, the editorial by Rod Dreher on page 7A in the Wednesday, April 8, 2009 edition does just that. By saying that, I am also declaring myself to be a traditionalist conservative. I believe in a government of, by and for the people. I believe in freedom of speech and the right to bear arms as guaranteed by our Constitution. I believe our nation to be "under God," meaning that the God of the Bible and the Bible itself are to be honored, respected and valued because we as a people need a moral compass. As to the matter of religion in public life, Mr. Dreher quotes: "Liberalism depends on the modernist conviction that neither religion nor tradition nor inherited loyalties has any binding authority on us. Anything that denies equal freedom is to be condemned as oppressive and marginalized, even outlawed". Today we are seeing the damage of "no binding authority." Women marry women, men marry men. What? God will severely judge that behavior. Read the Bible! Fully formed babies are killed so they won't complicate someone's life? The Bible says, "You shall not kill." There is a place for unregenerate murderers and it's not heaven. Our new president isn't helping any as far as we conservatives can see. Obama is declaring himself to be, by his own words and actions, "all things to all peoples." He intimates that whatever God a person may happen to chose to worship and whatever book he or she might deem "holy" is OK with him. I say Heaven help us.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Mail to NC Congresswoman Kay Hagan- Feb. 9, 2009
Dear Congresswoman Hagan: The issue of the stimulus bill is a matter of concern to both me and my wife. We are trying to approach the issue in a bi-partisan manner though we are Conservative Republicans. There are too many items in the bill which are not going to jump-start the economy. We see an attempt by the Democrats to curry the favor of their constituents in order to build on their new political power base. We don't feel they have the best interests of the tax-payer and average American at heart. We know something has to be done by Congress but please let it be done to benefit the country, not special interests and PORK. Sincerely, Leonard Marcy
Wilmington, NC

Friday, February 6, 2009


February 6 is the day I wish my daughter, Liz, a happy birthday. HAPPY 30th BIRTHDAY LIZ! Liz is a pastor's wife and lives in Upstate New York with her husband, Matthew, and their 3 little ones.
This day is also the day to remember a great American (sorry, I don't mean you Sean, even though you may be a great American). Today many in our nation reflect on the life and times of Ron Reagan, truly a great American. In a way I believe that with the passing of Ron Reagan there was another passing. The passing of the "Old America". The Old America where patriotism was held in high respect, when you got chills up your spine watching a military band pass by. A day when the taps being played at a Memorial Day event brought tears to your eyes. A day when it was the right thing to do give honor to the Word of God, the Bible and God Himself, in government and in public. A day when the words "terrorism, suicide bombings and Muslim extremists" had reference to other places in the world, but not here in America. A day when men (and women) didn't so readily sacrifice their principles and scruples in order to amass wealth, privilege and power. A day when we as Americans defended our freedoms without being apologetic that we were not giving someone who hurt our Country their "rights".
Mr. Reagan, I for one wish you were still our President. In my opinion you truly brought dignity and respect to the office of President and as a result the people respected and loved you. This in contrast to what I call the "New America", which subject I will elucidate on in my nest posting.